Thursday, May 19, 2011


Well this week we had West Test so we haven't been able to do anything.We are still waiting to do our game demo presetations so I guess until that date we will get the game demos ready and figure out how we are going to present them.I guess we will also be blogging, updating our learning logs, and maybe even our wiki pages while patiently waiting for the day we present.Anticipation and excitement will fill our minds as we get closer to finishing our games this year.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Actual Game

Now that we are done with the game demo we need to start working on the real game, we also need to get ready for the presentation.  I think the real game will be more difficult than the game demo.  I can't even begin to imagine how it will turn out and how much trouble we will have with it.  The game demos were, I'll admit, a little challenging but that doesn't mean the real game will be as challenging more challenging.  I guess we will just have to wait and see how it turns out but I hope it won't be too complicated since we have an idea what we are doing now.   

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Done with Demos

Now that our team is finished with our game demo we have to get ready for the game demo presentation.It won't be long before we present and although I'm glad that my partners and I are finished with the game demo I'm nervous for the presentation.I wonder how the actual game will turn out since the game demo looks pretty good.I'm happy with how well the game demo turned out and happy that that part is finally over.I can't wait to see how the rest of it turns out.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Changing Teams

My partner and I decided we would change teams.  Instead of being on The Dragonflies we are now on the White Hawks.  So since we changed teams we had to change EVERYTHING on our project pages.  It took a while to get all of the new information but we got it done.  Our new game idea is about bullying and our new game demo is coming along great.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I couldn't find a link in one of my peer's blogs that was useful so I thought I would do some research and come up with a link myself. I found this link to be very helpful for our game: this website has a lot of information is is pretty interesting. It is a wonderful site to visit if you want to learn more about endangered animals.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Relates to Our Game Topic

I think this link: tells a lot about its topic. I like this link because it tells you everything you really need to know like why save endangered animals or what animals are endangered in specific areas. I also choose these two pictures because the first one shows a few of the endangered animals and the second one shows that the animals are endangered and they need help.


In the Process of making our game my partner and I have learned a lot about our game topic.We have learned about the endangered animals in our game.Where they live, why they are endangered, how many are left, what they eat are just some things we have learned about these poor creatures.We have aquired this knowledge because we were commited to learning about this topic because we thought it would be a good topic for a learning game.If I could talk to "knowledge producers" I wouldn't tell them anything about improving their resources to help improve my learning my learning process because I learned basically everything I need to know about the endangered animals.I feel that to improve myself learning process by paying closer attetion to what I'm learning and concentrating harder.