When I close my eyes the first thing I think about is summer.You probably thought i would say something about Christmas.But I don't like the cold weather and after all the snow we received last year I don't think we would need snow for a long time.Like a friend told me snow would be ok if it wasn't cold and wet but I replied "Then you would just have sand."I mean, yes I like snow, but no not so much of it.Having snow days are nice and you get a break but I still don't care for snow.
I thought of summer because that's when I can go outside without freezing or turing blue within the first 5 seconds I step foot on the wet ground.In the summer time I enjoy laying under a tree and gazing up at the clouds to see what shape they form.You can go swimming in the lake or the pool to cool off after a hot day.Go camping or to the beach or where ever it is you go on vacation.If you didn't want to go anywhere then you could just hang out with friends and roast marshmellows and watch the flames of the fire dance in the darkness.
Summer time would most likely be my favorite season because of all the things I can do.No school and you can just be care free.The wind makes a summer day even more pleasant.By then the flowers are beautiful and the animals and insects are out.Listening to the birds and the wind rustiling in the trees calm your nerves and puts you in a sea of endless joy.The sun adds to your joy as it gently warms your skin.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Now in Globaloria Class
Now in Globaloria my partner and I are about to do the mini game template thing.We haven't really started yet because we are going to do it Monday as a whole class,I think.Since it is something new we are a little confused because it's a a little confusing and different.I am glad that we are on the next thing and that we are progressing.I can't wait to see how are game will turn out.We just finished taping our paperprototype so hopefully it will be okay.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I have no idea why people need to start drama.Ever since I was in elematary school,and I said there was some drama, my mom would say it would just get worse once I got older.To me everything that people worry about and start drama with is stupid.If you have a problem then just talk it out or find a way to deal with it because drama or fighting doesn't help it, if anything it makes things worse.If none of that works then just flat out ignore it.If people see that it doesn't bother you then they will leave you alone and you can get one with your life.Don't ever try to start drama because all that does is show how awful a person you are.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Now in Globaloria Class
Now in Globaloria class my partner and I are working just as hard as we can in this class.We finished paperprototyping as you should know from a previous blog I made.But now we are slowly progressing on other things in the class.We are trying to stay on the same page and be on the same thing so that we are able to help each other when we need help.It is kind of easy to stay together.We are blogging at the same time(mostly) and we normally fill out our learning log at the same time as well.Having a partner is a lot easier to do this class with than having a to do this alone.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Favorite Things

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Dragonflies
Our team(my partner and I) is called the Dragonflies.For our game we have decided to splite the roles and rsponsibilities, we figured it would be best that way.Spliting the roles and responsibilities will be good for both of us because we will work around our strengths.We will be able to help each other and we will be on the same page which will probably make it a lot easier.When you work in a team you can learn a lot about the people or person you are working with.Its very interesting what you can learn about the other person in the team.I don't really think there is a challenge about collaborative work,if anything it is actually easier on the individual person but I guess if you really think about it the biggest challenge about collaborative work is trying to stay up with the other person.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Color Purple
My favorite color is purple.When I was younger I loved almost every color in the rainbow,but there was just something about the color purple.There are many different things that have to do with purple.Purple is of course in the rainbow,"The Color Purple" is a movie,and purple is the color of royalty.There are many different shades of purple: lilac,violet,red violet,indigo,wild berry, orchard,plum,amethyst,periwinkle,lavender,and royal purple.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Finally Finished...Now on to the Next Thing.
Finally for this class my partner and I have finished paper prototyping! I am so glad we have finished it,it took forever.Our paper prototype didn't work out the way we thought it would.It actually turned out better.It's not a long game but it's long enough to where you learn what you need to.I was surprised to find out the things that I did about some animals.I had no idea how many(and what types of) animlas were endangered.Some of the animals that they said were endangered I kind of question because I really didn't think of them being endangered...but I guess you learn new things every day.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday Field Trip
On Friday October 29, 2010, our school went on a field trip to Charleston to watch a play.The play had short different scenes from poems and stories.The scenes were from: The Raven,The Tell Tale Heart,Sleepy Hollow,The Monkey's Paw,and The Jumping Frog.The trip was fun and certainly one to never forget.When we went it was absolutely FREEZING outside and inside was a little bit cool.After the play we went to go eat, we were in a bit of a hurry because we had to get back to school ontime.Overall it was fun and a lot better than being stuck in school all day.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Globaloria Class
Globaloria class is coming along pretty well, it's not as easy as I thought it would be but it's also not as hard.My parter and I are now on paper prototyping, we are almost finished with it, all we need to do is draw the habitats for the animals.We have all the facts we need for the endangered animals we intend to put in the game.Our game is not very long but you will learn a lot about endangered animals.To most people it probably won't be very fun or action packed but it will be educational.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
English Project
For Honors English 9, we are doing a project where we have to read a book and then create an amusement park that sells the book itself. My group and I are reading Dracula by Bram Stoker.I believe our project is going pretty well,we are close to finishing our rides and attractions.Our resturants are coming along nicely as well. After the projects are finished, we will be judged.Our parks need to have atleast 25 rides and attractions,5 sections,every section has to have a flag and a quote,it has to be professional, and it has to sell the book itself.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Class Time
During the class periods,I've been working on my "projects" page.I've been working on the Narrow Your Scope part forever.It takes so long to finish it,and it can be a little confusing but I'm slowly getting somewhere.My partner and I have been working on the same things and every day we get closer to finishing that one part.My learning log is up-to-date and most of the time so is my blog.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Introducing Things
Hi I'm Brianna
My topic is about raising the awareness of endangered animals.I think the links that I found will really help with the research of the game, because it tells you why animals are becoming endangered (exinct) and it gives examples of types of animals are endangered.
My topic is about raising the awareness of endangered animals.I think the links that I found will really help with the research of the game, because it tells you why animals are becoming endangered (exinct) and it gives examples of types of animals are endangered.
Links for the Game
These are the links I used to get my information:
This was an extra link for resources:
This was an extra link for resources:
Friday, October 1, 2010
Reviewing Two Games
- Name of the game that taught you the MOST about its learning topic:Learn the Bones
- What social issue or educational topic does the game explore?
- What can you learn from this game?The name of your bones and where they are.
- What game genre is it? Do you think this genre is a good choice for creating a learning game? Why or why not?The genre is puzzles, yes it is a good choice,because it makes you think more and so you learn more from it.
- Design Analysis (Does it look good? Does it clearly illustrate the issue or learning concept?)Yes
- Usability Analysis (Is it clear what you need to do as a player? Does it work well?)Yes
- Suggestions for improvement. How would you change the gameplay to make the learning and play experience work together better? They could make it more fun to play.
- List 2-3 things that you would like to learn how to do (in terms of functionality, design or content)
- Name of the game that taught you the LEAST about its learning topic:Bullseye
- What social issue or educational topic does the game explore?
- What can you learn from this game? Archery is hard
- What game genre is it? Do you think this genre is a good choice for creating a learning game? Why or why not? sports,no,because you don't really learn from it.
- Design Analysis (Does it look good? Does it clearly illustrate the issue or learning concept?)not really
- Usability Analysis (Is it clear what you need to do as a player? Does it work well?) Yes
- Suggestions for improvement. How would you change the gameplay to make the learning and play experience work together better? They could have put something in it that has to do with saftey in archery and what you have to do to get ready for it and then show the archery game.
- List 2-3 things that you would like to learn how to do (in terms of functionality, design or content)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Genre my Game will be in
I think my game will be in the strategy genre, because it will be a series of minigames that tell about being aware of endangered animals. Some of the minigames will probably be in the puzzle genre, but those are the only two genres my game will be in. The minigames will not be to difficult. It may or may not be interesting, depending on if you like that kind of game.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Protect Your Privacy
It is very important to protect your privacy. If you go on a website and give out all of your personal information, anyone in the world could access that information and come to your house or something. Its dangerous to give strangers your address,phone number, of anything like that. You need to protect your privacy and be smart about what you put on the internet because anyone can access it and it never goes away.
Friday, September 10, 2010
My First Post
In globaloria class I hope to learn how to create a game.The game that i intend to create is a series of minigames about endangered animals.I'm excited about learning something new.
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